Adorable Window Planter Boxes for Contemporary Home Decoration

People have various activity in their life, which one of activity that influence with home design is planter, if you will be the planter you must have window planter boxes, this stuff can make your home interesting. This stuff influence with something about make which one of the area in your home namely gardens look like eye-catching, in fact, the place of the garden itself not always outdoor but also indoor. Design about garden stuff various depend on your character itself. Unique or simple of garden stuff depend on plants size and types plant it.

Magnificent Window Planter Boxes for Exterior Decoration

Plants must be the suitable place to put and care them. You must now deeply about size, and types your plants, the best recommended design for the place your plants with window planter boxes plans, this stuff various size and style depend on your plants. Brick box, this stuff usually fit on placed outdoor with stick on the wall, arrange by the model piled on the bottom, on the other side appear, but the other side does not appear. This model you can plant the various plants such: flower, cactus, aloe Vera. When you plant this, usually you put soils below the plants.

The other stuff namely boxes with wood material the name of this stuff wood palette, this style was usually placed on outdoor and stuck on the wall. The styles of this stuff usually shape with the long box there is the gap in each layer shelf, style of shelf open plan gap on either side. You can give soft color or light color for your palette. This palette you can build with long box model look likes horizontal model, or high stand model look likes vertical model. High stand model usually have more space to plant growth and get the air because horizontal model with no shelf on the above or below, that is the different style of the vertical model. You can plant the various kinds such: flower, cactus, aloe Vera, and the other kind of grass plants. You can also put soils below each plant.

Catchy Window Box Planters for Interior Decoration

The style from box not only explained above but the other kind of simple and fun box you can get it. Style of box explained before proper at outdoor model, but now this style proper if you placed at indoor. You can use cans of paint, cans of sugar, cans of milk, or cans of tea, but the shape of that cans is box. You can put all kind of plants that proper this box in your kitchen, above plate or glass shelf, but a box filled with soils first. Bathtub box, you can put on this planter stuff beside your kitchen or your living room. Plants that placed from this planter stuff you must place in the pottery first and then put in a bathtub box. Various kind of planter stuff above constitute window planter boxes DIY , you can decide your best choice for your planter need and home design.

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5 Photos of Adorable Window Planter Boxes for Contemporary Home Decoration