Different Exterior Paint Considerations
For an eye-treating home exterior, you need to choose the right exterior paint. There are different considerations in exterior home paints that you should bear in mind. Pay close attention to these considerations to make your home exterior eye-treating.
Types of Paint
First of all, you need to choose the type of paint that you would want to paint the exterior of your home. There are two choices and here are they:
Solvent based – This type of paint uses mineral spirits and it dries more slowly than latex.
Water based – it uses water and dries quickly. It does not require direct sunshine or hot weather to dry.
Paint Finishes
One of the important things that you need to get into close consideration when selecting a paint for your home exterior is sheen. Usually the paint with less sheen is less stain resistant. Sheen is classified as gloss, semi-gloss, flat paint and stain. If you don’t have any idea about checking sheen, it would be wise to get help from a professional paint contractor.
Features of Quality Exterior Paint
Carefully check certain features in your selected home exterior pain. If the chosen one has all these features, go ahead and make final purchase. Otherwise, just drop it and find one with these qualities.
- Color retention
- Hiding power
- Blister resistance
- Chalking resistance
Primer Selection
It also holds great importance because it provides a more uniform appearance to the exterior paint. It is advised to use primer when painting over bare wood, new wood, or repainting over an existing dark or bright color.
In conclusion, always buy a small quantity of your favorite color to test before painting over your home exterior. This small practice can help you save time and money. Also, it will ensure painless home exterior painting.
- Exterior paint schemes
- Exterior paint ideas